Tuesday 25 March 2014

Liebster Blog Award

The lovely Porsche from Coffee & Stationery kindly nominated for a Liebster blog award which was super exciting news to wake up to! The idea of the Liebster blog awards is to help get smaller blogs like mine and Porsche's more awareness!

  • Answer the 11 questions asked by the person that nominated you. 
  • Pick an additional 11 people to nominate with under 200 followers. 
  • Create a list of 11 new questions to ask your nominees. 
  • Inform your nominees of the award!

So here are the questions that Porsche gave me and my answers to them!

1. What prompted you to start blogging?
It was reading other peoples blogs (mainly about Filofax!) last summer as a major form of procrastination from revising that made me think that perhaps people would be interested in what I had to say and alas The University Project was born! Since the start I have been trying to branch out into more of an overall lifestyle blog :)

2. Coffee, Wine, or Tea?
Rather typically of a British person my answer is Tea, I do love a good cuppa and I don't function properly of a morning until I have had my first cup! I've been branching out into trying more fruit tea recently and I have been enjoying that also! That being said I do love coffee, especially when I'm doing long stints in the Library!

3. Snapchat, Instagram or Twitter?
Lately I have been really loving Instagram! I've had a lot of coursework due in the last few weeks and consequently not as much time as I would like to blog. It's nice being able to share a snippet of what I am up to with my followers via Instagram tho- you can find me here

4. Where would you love to visit all expenses paid?
I am still wanting to visit New York- I wrote about it a few months ago in this post

5. Katniss, Tris(Beatrice), or Hermonie?
As a Harry Potter geek, and having wild curly brown hair, my answer for this has to be Hermoine!

6.Favorite song at the moment?
Not a really a song but I have been really enjoying listening to BBC Radio 1 whilst writing my coursework. They are one of the few radio channels that actually play a lot of songs and you don't often here the same song repeated constantly throughout the day. 

7. What three words would you use to describe you?
Organised, Worrier, Kind

8. Favorite store to shop at?
If I had unlimited money I would buy everything Fossil ever made, it is just right up my street!

9. Who is your favorite celebrity? 
I am not ashamed to say that I am a swiftie and have been for quite some while. This post outlines why :)

10. If you could have dinner with anyone who would it be?
As corny as it is, my lovely boyfriend. I am in a long distance relationship whilst I am at university and therefore I don't get to see him as often as I would like, which sucks. I miss the spontaneous meet ups and if I get upset about anything then its not a great feeling knowing I won't be able to get a hug from him for a couple of weeks. 

11. What is your guilty pleasure (TV, movie, music, book, food)?
I am a total Netflix addict but recently I have been trying to read more too! Really non committal answer, sorry guys! 

I had so much fun writing this post! So once again thank you to Porsche! My nominees are:

And your questions are as follows!

1. What do you love the most about blogging?
2. If you only had one meal left on Earth what would it be?
3. What is your day job? (I'm nosey)
4. Have you ever been in love?
5. How do you stay organised?
6. What is your vice when it comes to shopping?
7. If you could have any job at all, what would it be?
8. Do you think you make a good first impression?
9. You have a free weekend... what do you do with it?
10. Do you have any pets?
11. Who is the last person you spoke to?

I hope that you guys have as much fun writing this post as I did! Please make sure to link me your posts when they're done- I can't  wait to read them all!

Take care

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